Week 11: Fairness

Reading/Viewing Assignment

Next week, we’ll talk about algorithmic fairness.

There are lots of very interesting writings on this, but I want to keep the required reading over Thanksgiving break to a minimum.

For the required reading, you can select one of these two options:

  1. Watch Christopher Moore’s talk, Data, Algorithms, Justice, and Fairness (Ulam Lecture at Santa Fe Institute, Oct 2018). (You can skip the excellent but long introduction by starting at 12:19.

  2. Read Machine Bias, ProPublica, 23 May 2016, and Northpointe’s response (with commentary from ProPublica).

Please post something in the course subreddit to spark discussion on this topic. It could be a link to a news article on algorithmic fairness with a brief comment on it, or a question or comment about the reading (or talk).

Reading/Viewing Assignment

Next week, we’ll talk about algorithmic fairness.

There are lots of very interesting writings on this, but I want to keep the required reading over Thanksgiving break to a minimum.

For the required reading, you can select one of these two options:

  1. Watch Christopher Moore’s talk, Data, Algorithms, Justice, and Fairness (Ulam Lecture at Santa Fe Institute, Oct 2018). (You can skip the excellent but long introduction by starting at 12:19.

  2. Read Machine Bias, ProPublica, 23 May 2016, and Northpointe’s response (with commentary from ProPublica).

Please post something in the course subreddit to spark discussion on this topic. It could be a link to a news article on algorithmic fairness with a brief comment on it, or a question or comment about the reading (or talk).

Week 11: Fairness Week 11: Fairness